Looking for Treasure?

“…the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found, and hid.
In his joy, he goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field.” Matthew 13:44 WEB

Spring is a wonderful time to go out exploring.  Having a map to the hidden treasure is especially exciting! Wishing your life had a map as well?  Know someone who would like a map?

MarkUpDiscovery is pleased to announce two new studies that enable you or someone you know to find that treasure buried in the field.

  • A New Life   Four studies bringing our greatest need into focus.
  • A New Walk  Twelve sessions to help you find Scripture to steady your daily walk and provide a compass.

These work hand-in-hand, bringing our needs and God’s greatest gift together on the same pages.

All God’s Best to you as you discover Him!

Jon & Leah

1 response to Looking for Treasure?

  1. Jon & LEAH,
    – My computerese is minimal, so I don’t understand much of what you’re saying here, and my question is probably not relevant to your purposes — but just in case. Could you develop an ON-LINE study group, or groups?
    — Rich

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