Is it Possible to Please the Lord?

MANY try to please Him by their actions and effort. They build bridges, ramps, or towers of “good works.” Some attempt daring feats and even risk their lives to impress their god with their fervor and sincerity. In ancient days, tribes and city-states sacrificed their children to appease the gods they pictured in order to gain favor and kindness to simply have rain, healthy children, animals, and enough food.

TODAY some struggle with the idea that the God of the Bible asked for so many animal sacrifices. But look at the difference. He never required anyone to complete a human sacrifice. There was one fellow who rashly pledged to sacrifice the first thing out of his door – Jephthah was his name – but one wonders if God would have accepted an animal sacrifice as a redemption for his daughter. Still, Jephthah was more of a poster-child of the deteriorating times. While he was victorious in war, and named in Hebrews 11 “Hall of Faith,” he was foolish with his words, and thoughtless in his vow to the Lord. Nevertheless, while God required those animal sacrifices, they still were not sufficient. God Himself came in the form of a man to make the One Perfect, Sinless Sacrifice that would end all sacrifices and satisfy the justice of God, making peace available once and for all to those who believe.

WHY do we bring all this up? Because God HAS told us what pleases Him through the Words and Actions of His very own Son, Jesus. Did you realize when He walked the earth, Jesus gave us TEN COMMANDS? When we follow them, they set us on a path for an amazing relationship with God. In Mark, the earliest-written gospel, Jesus is said to have announced His message by saying, “Repent and Believe in the Good News!”

Jesus begins by saying, “Repent and Believe in the Good News!”

Mark 1:15

Reviewing the purpose of these 10 Commands of Christ, we find they focus us on God,
a loving relationship with Him, and our neighbors!
Jesus ends His time on earth telling the disciples:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…”

Matthew 28:19

MAKING DISCIPLES is “fishing for men,”  gathering souls, bringing in the harvest – all focused on enabling others to enjoy the richness of a relationship with their Creator and Author of their very person. We are not “His” because of His thirst for numbers. We are His because He loves us from when He knit us together inside our mothers! He created ALL this universe around us – originally unspoiled by sin – so we could enjoy HIM Forever! THAT, dear readers is the Ultimate Friend Request. Do you realize when we respond to Him in Faith and Trust, we please God?!

IT STARTS WITH OUR DECISION to agree with Him that we are not God and not perfect. And this is tied to believing Jesus’ work of paying for our sins’ debt. This payment, the work of Christ on the Cross bridges the gap to the True Lover of our Soul, a LIVING, PERSONAL, GOOD GOD who will Never Leave or Forsake us.

So what do these Ten Commands of Christ look like? Check them out for yourself in our new study:

10 Commands of Christ

All the Best of God’s blessings be yours as you seek and Discover Him!

MarkUp Discovery

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